Monday, September 6, 2010

Looking to the future

I just got done talking about how excited I am to start school. Well, in response to those feelings, I have been doing a lot of research on potential industries I would like to work in. So as of today, I am extremely interested in the green tech, agribusiness, and Ferrari industries.

The green tech industry is really just starting to grow up. Even just a few years ago it was a very young and immature industry. Today it is still developing itself. The term "green tech" is very fluid. Although it can be loosely defined today as environmental technology, there is still unlimited possibility for its final direction. It is amazing to see how companies have developed ways to be profitable and to care about the social responsibilities we have as inhabitants of earth at the same time. Yes, I can see me incorporating the green industry into my future career, even if I go into my second career interest, agribusiness.

Agribusiness is awesome because I love making great food. It is simple, we
need food to live and food is delicious. Making food from scratch is an incredible feeling. Lately I started brewing my own beer, and it was really good. Creating a finished product from raw natural ingredients is a very cool feeling. By making food from scratch, you know what is in your food. Its good to know what is in your food for obvious reasons, but by knowing exactly what is in your beer, for example, you can also tweak things very subtlety to create big changes in taste. There is also a bigger picture element to agribusiness as well. The population is growing. With the growth in population more and more farmland will be converted into suburban living. The industry needs to figure out a safe, sustainable, and efficient way to grow mass quantities of good natural food. This is an issue that will arise in the next few years, and it would be cool to be a part of it.

My third industry is Ferrari. I know it is not exactly and industry, but I think I would have an extraordinarily hard time refusing any offer that Ferrari would make me. Working there would be an awesome opportunity to fulfill some childhood fantasies, and who knows, they might even offer me a discount on a car. I think something like 95% off would put it in my price range.

Ok folks, until next time. Ciao.

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