Well since my last post a lot has happened. I went snowboarding, broke my arm, finished a term, found an internship, did the MBA Ski Cup, got my cast removed, went to Meran, inverviewed with AB Inbev, and today I took another exam. It really is amazing how fast time goes by, it seems just like yesterday I was flying over to Milan to begin a new stage in my life, but as I look back, I am amazed by all the events that have transpired since.
Well, I guess I will restart my blog today with my excitement to finish this term. I look forward to starting my internship in Modena. It will be an exciting time. I will be doing it with a green construction company. It really is perfect for me. One of the gravest dangers facing the environment today is our complacient use of building materials. Something like 35% of all waste comes from buildings, and this is a huge drain on our natural resources. The world's forests are dissappearing, mountains are being destroyed by mountain top mining, water and air are being polluted by the production of construction supplies, and this is unacceptable. I am excited to join a small entrepreneurial family company to combat this problem.
On a similar note, I really reccomend the documentary 180 degrees south. This movie will really get you thinking...

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