Normally, if you have a strong brand, you can get away with pricing your products a little too high. Take Apple for example. They have the most valuable brand in the world, so they get away with charging WAY to much for their products. But if you have an unknown product in a market that is mature, fragmented, and traditional, you better believe you have the right price.
I am also looking elsewhere for full-time work, just so I don’t get stuck with one option. I starting the discussion with a couple companies, one very interesting to me, and I think this is a valuable step in making a decision. One option is not a choice, but if I can juxtapose a couple roles and companies, it might be very valuable to me in the long run. Anyway, that part was more for me to look back and reflect on…
Well, I went to Munich this past weekend to visit the Germans. Woah, Munich, as always, is incredible. The Architecture there is some of my favorite in Europe and the whole city just seems clean, hospitable, and uber-fun (oh and the girls aren’t too bad to look at either ☺).
Visiting cities for the sake of seeing a city is something that I don’t really enjoy so much at this point in my life. I am more about experiences. I enjoy adventures and/or good times with friends. So this weekend was a perfect balance. I got to go to Munich University’s Sommer Party. It was held at the campus and they opened up all the buildings for the party. There were more bands than I can remember and all the classrooms held different alternative musicians.
One of the classrooms was particularly cool because there was a women singing some kind of Teegan and Sarah type thing while playing a harp. Never realized that harp was such a cool instrument, but damn, that was a good show.
The party was great and I got to share it with the Keiser, Paul, and the Wolf, so all in all it was a great experience. The next day I got to walk around the city with Keiser and visit some of the cooler places. The highlight of the day was sitting in front of the opera with a beer and people watching. It was here that I discovered the (don’t fret, it apparently is in many cities as I just saw one here in Cologne!).
Anyway, the Saturday was spent doing that, eating breakfast with the Keisers family (which was fantastic by the way, so thank you for introducing me to the fam!), and then spending Sunday driving around the country side and visiting a lake. Munich was a blast, but it was time to go back to Aschaffenburg for work, too bad my Kia couldn’t take me any faster than 160km/h (yeah I got to drive the autobahn, but no story is necessary as my Kia C got a top speed of about 184 km/h downhill).
Until next time,
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